Eve Talks Marriage & Kids With British Boyfriend Mr. Gumball 3000 [Video]

Rapper Eve may not have been on the scene much lately musically, but that hasn’t stopped her from globe trotting with her boyfriend, British Race Car Driver & founder of Gumball 3000 brand, Maximillion Cooper. The ‘pit bull in a skirt‘ recently revealed that she’s ready to settle down and start a family, while also focusing on her music.

See what she had to say after the jump.

“I want marriage, I want babies, soon, but later. I’m seeing someone at the moment. I’m not saying [who it is], but it’s been a year. It’s not a secret. He’s not a music celebrity.”

“I haven’t read any scripts, I don’t want to, I want to finish this record – that’s like my top priority. I’ve read some stuff, but nothing that has really grabbed me at all. My dream, dream, dream is to be directed by Quentin Tarantino. I want to kick somebody’s ass or shoot somebody.”

Soon… but later“? For all of you confused by that, I guess it means in the near future, but not right now.

Last year when it was rumored that she was dating Shane Powers, she took to her twitter to clear up the rumor while confirming that she was in love with Maximillion.

I am not engaged 2 anyone but am completely in love with someone @MRGUMBALL3000

It annoys me when people continue to take issue when a black woman dates outside of her race when black men do it all the time now. Don’t get me wrong, race unfortunately is still very much an issue, but it’s still not as common for a black woman to date other races as it is for black men.

I’m not mad at Eve for visiting the jungle and taking a walk on the wild side. As long as you’re doing it for the right reasons, it shouldn’t really matter who you date. Lord knows black men certainly have no reservations about dating non-black women at all.

Check out a recent short interview MaxEve gave during The Gumball 3000 Race festivities.

Posted on June 4, 2011, in Celebrities, Events, Interviews. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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